Monday, February 18, 2008

The story is this…(Love's Matador)

Love's matador beckons to the center of my core
Eyes of love call without words
My spirit unravels as if a premonition
Our souls connect as to say we’ve met here
In this moment once before

I move with uncertainty
But I am sure as I can see
The rain begins to drizzle
My heart races as Loves’ matador
Dances with the steps that bring me closer to him

Our stare unbroken
And still no words spoken
Silence of a united pulse
Throbs in my ears
Loves’ matador’s movements say
“Yes, I hear you, my dear”

Tears begin to fall
And the sweeping and turning of
Love's matador calls
I answer unafraid
Though the voice still faint

Closer…closer he calls
Wrapping around me
With the sweetest tenderness
Eyes finally behold the same soul
We embrace
And we dance to surrender

© Alya Landry 2008