Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Don't Know

Shall I be condemned for my lack of virtue?
Damned to the depths of unforgiveness
Surrounded by an ocean of despair, I do not drown

They say hope floats

Maybe the saying is just full of hot air
I hope not
So I hope-ful

awaiting a life-line

Who will attempt to save the unsavable?
Whose unsavory appetite for the negative spews forth an obese monster
so unbecoming that the sight of his very self induces a hatred once burried
once destroyed

This monster
This behomoth creature
is in need of love...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Your Favorite Childhood Memory

Hello everyone!!

Inspiration seems to be a visitor that doesn't visit all that often though I always feel there is a story waiting just behind the door. It has yet to knock or maybe perhaps, I just haven't been listening...

Today at work I overheard some ladies talking about their childhood. They were recalling to mind some of the old games that little kids played... "Miss Mary Mack, Down, down, baby, down by the rollercoaster, Johnny on one foot, Simon says, Mother may I?, Hopscotch...I really could go on, but time won't permit at present. Share your favorite childhood story. Who knows, I just may hear inspiration through your story.

Happy remembering!!!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chess Games

I am pawn to your queen
fighting through the ranks
to earn a spot along side your reign

Be my direction
Let your light guide me
I grant you dominion
over my world
over my existence
over me

Amidst chaos and turmoil
your sweet sentiments are soul soothing
From pawn to knight
I fight for thee
sword and shield in hand
love on mind
I use the possibilities as strength

The possibility of a future
The possibility of us
The possibility that one day
I will be your king

One day

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Cry To My Brothers

Children of Noah
What has become of our covenant
Bonds breached, broken like barricades invaded by heathens

Once savvy, now savages
Diminishers of the repopulation
We take in vain that of which flowed through our forefather's veins
The blood of a nation, a cognate unification

Our numbers dwindle
A once flaming passion for wisdom…Extinguished
With grim hopes to rekindle

Went from the sum of many, to the sum of one
Once known as the son of man, but now transformed to the son of a gun

We once stood tall, but now we pack up and run…
From our problems
From our responsibilities
From our women
From our children
From ourselves

Children of Noah
Who will be left standing to create the next Ark
An Ark that won't sail on floods that cover land
But by blood, shed by man…killing man

Monday, February 18, 2008

The story is this…(Love's Matador)

Love's matador beckons to the center of my core
Eyes of love call without words
My spirit unravels as if a premonition
Our souls connect as to say we’ve met here
In this moment once before

I move with uncertainty
But I am sure as I can see
The rain begins to drizzle
My heart races as Loves’ matador
Dances with the steps that bring me closer to him

Our stare unbroken
And still no words spoken
Silence of a united pulse
Throbs in my ears
Loves’ matador’s movements say
“Yes, I hear you, my dear”

Tears begin to fall
And the sweeping and turning of
Love's matador calls
I answer unafraid
Though the voice still faint

Closer…closer he calls
Wrapping around me
With the sweetest tenderness
Eyes finally behold the same soul
We embrace
And we dance to surrender

© Alya Landry 2008

The Longest Day

The piano plays the song of such
Lonesomeness since you’ve gone
Seems like the longest day that will never end
A day so long that keeps lingering and holding on

The sun never rises in my aching heart
Though the clouds break- it always feels dark
The rain keeps on fallin’ as my weeping tears
Tirelessly crawl and wrap themselves into a fetal ball

I can hear the wind crying as it
Rocks my sorrow’s sighing
The drummer plays for my soul
That feels like dying

The ladies grind quietly to dust
And drip with anger
As the windows to this life closes
And death is no longer a stranger

This day seems so long
Though I hold you
In my memory
You’re presence is gone

O, if this pain would break
Like my heart that aches
With a slow throb that my chest cannot contain
If I bottled this hurt
I swear it would always rain

© Alya Landry 2008


High above land
There lies freedom
The agony to reach this
height is indescribable
There will be pain along the way
Obstacles in your path
Gather them
These are the very things you'll need
To succeed
It won't be easy
But nothing worthwhile ever is
When you have climbed to the peak of agony
Your pain will finally subside
Turn your back to the wind

Let go
Here is where you're free

© Alya Landry 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who Is The Pencil Character?

For those of you that may want to know who that pencil guy is...That is my official logo for P.E.G.S. His name of course is PEGS. He was created from nothing by a wonderful artist, Jim Hurguy. Jim took an empty space in my head and drew (no pun intended) from some thoughts I had and after going back to the drawing board (ok, that's another bad pun!) and lots of attempts, PEGS came to life.

In the very near future Pegs will be availble to purchase on T-shirts, hats, back packs (just to name a few) My goal for Pegs is to make it one of the most widely recognized logos in the poetry community. Please spread the word to evryone you know.

Please stay tuned for updates...
